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Timeline from 2010 onwards


Bristol has pioneered a “unity for mission movement” over many years before 2010, Since space is limited, here are a few examples of the Christian community working together across the Bristol region since 2010.

Summary of timeline

Foundations for Together4Bristol were built through four gatherings for thousands to attend, at Ashton Gate in 2012, a Party at Castle Park and a conference at Colston Hall in 2013, and at College Green in 2014.


The spheres of life have also held various gatherings for hundreds, for example on global justice, workplace, health and family issues. For example, Kingdom Creatives (the Arts sphere) had a conference in 2019, called “Press Red” about abuse of women and sex trafficking. In 2018, the Politics and Social Action sphere (aka Christian Action Bristol, CAB) had a conference at City Hall. About half the attendees came from the Christian community, including church leaders, and half were people of goodwill, including the Mayor, Cabinet, Councillors and key people from business and charities. There have been numerous other smaller gatherings across the spheres, including for prayer.

There have been various Offers for the good of the city, from the Christian community, as part of the City Office. These have been led by CAB and have connected with some of the other spheres. For example, in 2020, the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter involved 16 churches and 500 volunteers. Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) is working with 18 churches to provide mentors for children in local schools. Social Prescribing helps GP surgeries link patients with activities in local churches. There are Breakfast Clubs in 30 schools and Christians played a key role in Feeding Bristol, which fed 5k children over 50k meals over the summer holidays in 2019, with the help of about 600 volunteers from local companies.


Finally, here are some examples of the Christian community collaborating for the good of Bristol. The Turning evangelistic mission saw over 650 first time commitments, with Christians from about 70 churches involved over Easter 2017. In October 2019, The Bristol Housing Festival was launched, with about 6000 visitors over two weeks, to help re-imagine affordable housing solutions for the city The Noise takes place every May Bank Holiday. In 2019, about 900 volunteers from 57 churches engaged in 180 practical community projects in deprived estates across Bristol. The Noise and CAB led the Christian community response to the COVID-19 virus in 2020.

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