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We want to see God's kingdom grow through Christians working in all types of media in the Bristol region.

About Us


We are a group of Christians who work in media, from film and newspapers, to local and community radio, from websites and TV networks, to working in the media in churches.

Adjusting Mixer
Image by The Creative Exchange

What we do


Gather: To build relationships and unity

We gather to support Christians working in media in all its forms and provide networking and prayer support. We have had a variety of events, small and large, starting with over 5k people at the Arise Bristol! Ashton Gate stadium gathering in 2012, where we prayed for and released individuals involved in media. Over the years, we have had several combined Christians in Media / Media sphere gatherings in Bristol.


Grow: To learn from God and each other

We want to enable Christians working in media to be the best they can be. We pray together for one another and for every aspect of the media across the city, such as at an All Night Prayer Vigil. We have been involved in city-wide gatherings, such as theGoing Deeper conference at the Colston Hall in 2013, with seminars which explored media issues from Christian perspectives.


Go!: To act together and as individuals

Apart from releasing individuals, the Christian community can take strategic action together, for example to get more good news stories into the media, with the help of media training days and press releases. Stories include short films in 2020, about Offers to City Office from the Christian community, on projects such as social prescribing and homelessness.

See the Timeline for more examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good.

How to get involved


Are you involved in any way with Media in the Bristol region? We would love to connect with you. Please get in touch with Roger Allen

Associated Networks


We love working with others, including: 


Christians in Media



Latest Media sphere news and events

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