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Together4Bristol (T4B) is a growing “unity for mission movement”, a “network of networks”, rather than an organisation, partnering with individuals, churches, prayer groups, and networks across the whole, or spheres, of life.

Benefits and Services for Partners

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Benefits and Services for Partners

  1. Join a “unity for mission movement“ transforming Bristol together.

  2. We are eager to help you in any way we can.

  3. Gatherings to build relationships and make connections.

  4. Meeting you one 2 one for mutual support, encouragement and prayer.

  5. Publicity on theTogether4Bristol (T4B) website and Facebook page.

  6. Links you with regional and national leaders, initiatives and networks.

  7. Talks for your group, concerning “unity for mission” and T4B, with follow up actions.

  8. Receive and have input into a monthly email from T4B.

  9. Publicity at T4B gatherings, for example, bringing display stands or being interviewed.

  10. Use of T4B logos and T4B's publicity channels for your resources or conferences

  11. Talks for your group, concerning “whole life missional discipleship”

Recommended subscriptions to become Partners

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Recommended subscriptions to become Partners

Partners (Churches)

Churches with up to 100 members - £50 per annum

Churches with 100 to 200 members - £75 per annum

Churches with over 200 members - £100 per annum

Partners (Others)

Other organisations, networks or projects can become Partners for an annual fee of £50. If an organisation finds the fee prohibitive they can discuss this with us: contact:

Churches Together Groups

Churches Together Groups are encouraged to make Voluntary Contributions of £100 per annum from each group – although some may be able to afford more, and others less.

Individual donations

Please make payments (with Gift Aid) through the Donate button


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Anglican (Diocese of Bristol)

Arise Bristol!

Baptist (West of England Baptist Association)

Bristol and District Evangelical Alliance

Bristol Black Churches Council

Catholic (Clifton Diocese)

Celebration Churches Network

Congregational Federation

Church of God of Prophecy

Methodist (Bristol and South Glos Cicuit)

New Testament Church of God

Redeemed Christian Church of God

Salvation Army (South Western Division)

Our Vision

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Our Vision

Transforming Bristol Together


We long to see...

the WHOLE Christian community

working together in unity to be good news

in the WHOLE of life in the Bristol region.


If you share this vision, we would love you to partner with us. There are several benefits and services for you. There is also a small cost, if you can afford it, to help fund this growing movement.


To discuss any aspect of partnering with T4B, please contact:

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